We have amended our Schedule of Fees and Charges, effective 1st October 2024. The updated Schedule of Fees and Charges can be found here and at your local branch.
Getting started
What type of account would you like? | {whatTypeOfAccountWouldYouLike} |
Number of account holders: | {numberOfAccountHolders} |
How would you like to operate this account? | {howWouldYouLikeToOperateThisAccount} |
Applicant 1 details:
What is your SWSCU member number? | {MemberNumber1} |
Full name: | {Name1} |
Phone number: | {Phone1} |
Email address: | {Email1} |
Address: | {Address1} |
Applicant 2 details:
What is your SWSCU member number? | {MemberNumber2} |
Full name: | {Name2} |
Phone number: | {Phone2} |
Email address: | {Email2} |
Address: | {Address2} |
Applicant 3 details:
What is your SWSCU member number? | {MemberNumber3} |
Full name: | {Name3} |
Phone number: | {Phone3} |
Email address: | {Email3} |
Address: | {Address3} |
Applicant 4 details:
What is your SWSCU member number? | {MemberNumber4} |
Full name: | {Name4} |
Phone number: | {Phone4} |
Email address: | {Email4} |
Address: | {Address4} |
I declare that I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained above. | {iDeclareThatIHaveReadAndAgreeToBeBoundByTheTermsAndConditionsContainedAbove} |