Getting started

What type of account would you like? {whatTypeOfAccountWouldYouLike}
Number of account holders: {numberOfAccountHolders}
How would you like to operate this account? {howWouldYouLikeToOperateThisAccount}

Applicant 1 details:

What is your SWSCU member number? {MemberNumber1}
Full name: {Name1}
Phone number: {Phone1}
Email address: {Email1}
Address: {Address1}

Applicant 2 details:

What is your SWSCU member number? {MemberNumber2}
Full name: {Name2}
Phone number: {Phone2}
Email address: {Email2}
Address: {Address2}

Applicant 3 details:

What is your SWSCU member number? {MemberNumber3}
Full name: {Name3}
Phone number: {Phone3}
Email address: {Email3}
Address: {Address3}

Applicant 4 details:

What is your SWSCU member number? {MemberNumber4}
Full name: {Name4}
Phone number: {Phone4}
Email address: {Email4}
Address: {Address4}


I declare that I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained above. {iDeclareThatIHaveReadAndAgreeToBeBoundByTheTermsAndConditionsContainedAbove}